- Walk-In at DTU for various jobs July-2010
- IT vacancy in SPMCIL July-2010
- MPPSC Principal Higher Secondary Schools vacancy July-2010
- BARC Category-II Stipendiary Trainees vacancy July-2010
- KSKRA 22nd Batch Entry for Engineers July-2010
- Last date extended for Executive (Law) vacancy in BHEL Ranipet June-2010
Posted: 18 Jul 2010 11:13 AM PDT Government of NCT of Delh Delhi Technological University (DTU) (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) Shahbad Daultapur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 DTU invites cndidates for a Walk-in-Interview for the following posts on contract basis for a period of one year or till the posts are filled up on regular basis :
Posted: 18 Jul 2010 10:47 AM PDT Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd. (SPMCIL) (Wholly owned by Govt. of India) SPMCIL invites applications for filling up the following posts in its IT setup :
How to Apply: The application should be submitted in the prescribed format. The outer cover of the envelope should be super scribed with " Application for the post of ____" should be sent to the Manager (P&A), Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd., 16th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 through registered/speed post within 21 days (published on 17/07/2010) . Details and Application format will be available athttp://www.spmcil.com/ |
Posted: 18 Jul 2010 05:57 AM PDT Published by Manisha for her blog sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com Residency Area, Indore (MP) Recruitment of Principals of Higher Secondary School vacancy in School Education Department in MP Government Online Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following vacancy in the MP Government School Education Department by MPPSC :
Selection Procedure : Written test on 28/11/2010 followed by interview for selected candidates. Application Fee : Rs.180/- (Rs.90/- for SC/ST/OBC/PWD) plus Rs.35/- as portal fee, can be paid online by Credit Card/ Debit Card or can be deposite in the prscribed bank account by net banking. How to Apply : Apply Online only from 17/07/2010 12.00 noon to 17/08/2010 upto 12.00 midnight on the websiteshttp://www.mponline.gov.in/ and/or http://www.mppsc.nic.in/and/or http://www.mppsc.com/ . Please see document http://www.mpinfo. |
Posted: 18 Jul 2010 05:38 AM PDT Published by Manisha for sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com Government of India BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE (BARC) Yelwal, Mysore - 571130 Advertisement No. 4/2010 (R-I) Applications are invited for Stipendiary Trainees (Category - II) for training in BARC Mumbai and Tarapur :
Relaxation of five years in age is admissible to SC/ST and three years to OBC candidates. Total Duration of Training Period : Two years How to Apply : Completed applications in the prescribed proforma should be sent to the Deputy Establishment Officer (R-1), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai - 400085 so as to reach not later than18/08/2010. Complete detail and application format available athttp://barc.gov.in/ |
Posted: 17 Jul 2010 10:59 PM PDT Published by Manisha for her blog sarkari-naukri.blogspot.com Department of Atmic Energy (DAE) Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) For a challenging career in pursuit of front ranking R&D programmes in Atomic Energy DAE Invites Applications for its Prestigious Scheme, Dr. K.S.Krishnan Research Associateship (KSKRA). Research Associates selected under the prestigious KSKRA programme are given an opportunity to work on R&D programmes of national importance relevant to the DAE mandate in one of the following advanced research centres of the Department:
Up to 20 KSKRAs can be selected every year and paid a stipend of Rs.20000/- + benefits for a maximum period of 2 years. At the end of 1 year of associateship, KSKRAs will be considered for absorption as Scientific Officer/ Engineer-D/E, in the pay scale of PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 plus Grade Pay (GP) Rs.6600/-subject to satisfactory performance Educational Qualification :
Selection Procedure: Selection will be done by an interview committee from among the short listed candidates based on their qualification, published R&D work and performance in the interview. Fee : Postal Order/Demand Draft of Rs.100/- as application fee drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, BARC payable at Mumbai. SC/ST and Dependents of Defence Personnel Killed In Action (DODPKIA) are exempted. Send application by Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due Card to the Deputy Establishment Officer (R-IV), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 4th floor, Central Complex, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 so as to reach by 01/09/2010. For complete details like Engineering/ Science discipline list, application Form format and other information like how to apply please visit http://barc.gov.in/ |
Posted: 17 Jul 2010 05:07 PM PDT BHEL requires experience Law Professionals for the following posts :
Fee : Rs.250/- to be deposited in any branch of SBI throuout the country in Power Jyoti A/c 31170378124 through a challan. No fee for SC/ST/PH andidates. How to Apply: Apply Online at BHEL website only upto Please view visit http://careers.bhel.in/ |
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